The Artist’s Corner

The Artist’s Corner at 3 Across The Sea® – live the talent you are.

A major part of our history is rooted in drama, film, music, and the fine arts: Talent management, drama training, acting, directing, unit management, production management – we’ve done it all, we’ve been there ourselves. And because we’ve been there, and still are there we want to share our insights with you, the actor.

We’ve put together 4 programs for actors focusing on 4 different areas:

  • Personal branding
  • One-on-one training to prepare for specific parts or castings (scripted / cold reading)
  • Self-management for the “artist-preneur”
  • Social media management

As everyone will have a different focus please understand the following details as a high-level summary only:


On-demand, flexible hours.

Even though this training is not meant to replace classic drama training, during the course we will keep an eye on your voice and body posture, and body language to make sure you get the best out of it.

  • Revise and rehearse a script (theater / movie)
  • Develop a character (theater / movie)
  • Prepare for auditions / castings (theater / movie)
  • Prepare for a role in a foreign language: German (theater / movie)


An artist is not only an artist but at the same time an entrepreneur – an artist-preneur.

Basically, you’re a split personality: part-time living and working in the most fantastic, artistic worlds, part-time completely down to earth managing your career, financials, and the rest of your life.

Some artists are represented by agents to (hopefully) take a lot of the “administrative” part of their jobs off their shoulders, however, some things, like financials, diaries, travels, any many more still remain in the responsibility of yourself. Which can feel rather overwhelming at times.

We don’t claim we can take it all off your shoulders, but we offer 2 options to make your life easier:

Hand over all the unpleasantries to us and we see to them


Get some guidelines from our business development specialists and learn how to quickly see to them yourself so you can focus on the artist part of your business.

Social Media Management

Like any other product or brand an artist needs to be seen and heard in order for agents, directors and producers to know about them and being able to consider them for parts in production.

Being listed on an agencies website is great. Having your photos and work samples listed on the various portals is better but having clean, strong social media profiles is becomes more and more crucial.

Someone googles your name, how much relevant information is coming back? Photos, details about yourself and your career, your unique work? Are you using the right social media platforms sharing the right information?

An artist today is facing quite some questions and challenges, never mind the time you need to invest. But without it? Nobody knows.

If you’re not comfortable with social media and “marketing” yourself, talk to us for either advice or handing it over to our experienced team.